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Energy Project Development
Solutions Matched To The Needs Of Each Utility
Logo, Clean Development International, Energy Consulting in Salt Lake City, UT

CDI collaboration partner Abantia was the lead engineer and constructor in this project

An example of an innovative approach the company seeks to maximize system efficiency

(Bio-mass power generation system in hybrid solar plant)

Regulatory Support from CDI

All Utilities operate with regulatory reporting to some entity

  • This can be a direct governmental management body if the utility is owned by the government
  • It can be a utility oversight commission if the utility is privately owned

CDI has experience in dealing with all forms of regulatory matters

  • CDI principals have been involved in regulatory work associated with Requests For Proposals ("RFPs")
  • CDI principals have been involved with tariff development to encourage renewable power
  • CDI principals understand revenue decoupling issues that utilities can face that can discourage efficiency gains

Project cost recovery for utility projects under some circumstances can lead to today's customers paying for projects that will benefits future customers. CDI understands the issues that utilities face and can help find long term solutions to mitigate inter-customer subsidization.